Ngomhla we-14 kuMatshi ngo-2023, i-Greatway Technology yabhengeza ukugqiba ukuthengwa kwefektri ye-Shenzhen Current Technology Co., Ltd. (i-Shenzhen yangoku). Ngomhla we-4 kaJanuwari, i-Greatway Technology yayinesivumelwano kunye ne-Shenzhen yangoku malunga nokufumana zonke izibonelelo zemveliso. Emva kokufunyanwa, bonke abasebenzi bemveliso / iteknoloji / intengiso ye-Shenzhen yangoku bajoyine iqela le-Greatway Technology ngokufanelekileyo.
Ifumaneka kwi-5F yeSakhiwo sesi-2 seLihe Industrial Park, i-Greatway Technology yi-RF phezu kwefayibha yokuhanjiswa kwemveliso yoyilo indlu kunye nomzi-mveliso ukususela ngo-2004, inikezela nge-FTTH CATV receiver, RFoG ONU ye-ftth cable modem, i-satellite eyodwa okanye i-Twin fiber optic LNB FTTH phezu kweGPON, ezimbini. / I-satellites ezine phezu kwekhonkco enye yefiber, i-3224MHz iSatellite Fiber Link, i-GPON kunye ne-GPON +, i-EoC, i-1218MHz i-CATV i-optical transmitter kunye ne-optical node, iklasi yokusasaza i-AV / ASI / SDI ikhonkco yefayibha.
Ifumaneka kwi-2F Building 3 ye-Lihe Industrial Park, i-Shenzhen Current Technology Co., Ltd. iyila kwaye ivelise i-fiber optic modular transmitter, i-FTTH CATV receiver, engenamandla i-FTTH CATV receiver etc .. I-Shenzhen yangoku ngumthengisi ovunyiweyo we-Comcast njl.
Ezi mveliso zilandelayo eziqhelekileyo zeShenzhen yangoku zibonelelwa yiGreatway Technology emva koku.

I-ORN-1000SM F55 ayinawo i-CATV FTTH umamkeli, eguqula isignali ye-FTTH ibe yi-CATV RF ngaphandle kwe-DC powered amplifier. Amandla okufakwayo acetyiswayo omamkeli we-FTTH engenamandla ngu-2dBm we-analog TV okanye -8dBm ye-DVB-C STB. I-ORN-2040AW yi-FTTH umamkeli nge-WDM ukuya kwi-ONU kunye ne-80dBuV imveliso kwizibuko elinye okanye amabini eRF.

I-ORN-815T/1550 imodyuli yefiber optic transmitter kunye ne-ORN-827H PVC F55 imodyuli yefiber optic receiver ibonelela ngesisombululo esineendleko eziphezulu zeRF phezu kosasazo lweFayibha.
After this acquisition, Greatway Technology still offers the same prices and qualities products to former Shenzhen Current customers. Together with Greatway Technology leading technology on Satellite and CATV RF over fiber, Greatway has more products and better manufacturing capability to meet diversified demands on Satellite TV or CATV fiber to the home, fiber to the building. For more information, please contact
Ixesha lokuposa: Mar-14-2023